Monthly Archives: August 2017

Karela seeds not germinating in 2017

In the the 1980’s Karela, bitter gourd plants were some of the easiest plants to grow in tonca, miramar area of panaji
However it is observed that in 2016, 2017, despite planting a large number of karela seeds in miramar area, almost no seed is germinating due to factors which cannot be easily determined.
The only major change in the living conditions, is that radiation levels in goa have increased drastically in the last thirty years, as the usage of mobile phones has increased drastically
Any tips to increase the germination rate for karela seeds will be greatly appreciated

Birds avoid eating lady finger seeds, seedlings

While bean seeds and seedlings are quickly consumed by birds, mice, squirrel, lady finger seeds are not eaten by most of the pests in India.
Germinating bean seeds are edible, so almost all pests are eating them, once they discover their location
So after the pests have found that bean seeds are sown in the area, the gardener is forced to grow seeds which the pests are not eating like the lady finger seeds. The pests are also not targetting mango, date, chikoo and other seeds, seedlings
Any tips to prevent pests from eating the seeds will be greatly appreciated.