Till september almost no morning glory plant was flowering at the mailing address of the domain investor in goa
It appears that due to heavy rains, the chemicals in the soil were washed away.
So in october onwards, the morning glory plants started flowering.
However, the sindhi scammers cut the plant repeatedly showing their hatred for the domain investor
Category Archives: seeds
Inexpensive seeds available
For gardening, crafting enthusiasts, researchers, a number of seeds are available at a low cost including
– chikoo seeds
– mango seeds
– custard apple
– water melon
– brinjal
– cucumber
– brown beans
– chilli seeds
– tomato
– phyllanthus amaranthus
– lemon seeds
– dolichos beans
– other bean varieties
Kindly note that due to google, tata, NTRO sex, identity theft racket , the domain investor actually paying for the domain name is held a virtual prisoner, while the google, tata supplied goan sex worker sunaina, siddhi , cheater housewives riddhi nayak, veena, naina, nayanshree hathwar, and other frauds are getting a monthly government salary for making fake claims about owning this and other domain names in one of the greatest FINANCIAL FRAUDS in India