Category Archives: Uncategorized

She Cleans Much Better Than I Do

The only reason I even looked into home cleaning services in Singapore last year is because I was hurt in a skiing accident while on vacation. I had been looking forward to my French ski vacation, but that was only until I broke my leg when I hit a tree. I was able to put off surgery until I came home, and it was just too hard for me to resume my normal activities because of the cast that was then put on my entire leg. I was not comfortable at all, but I did insist on staying at my own condo instead of with a family member or rehab center.

I knew that I could get my own food together, and I would also be able to telecommute for my job. I would need to have some help in the cleaning area though because there was no way I would be able to handle that with the condition that I was in. I thought it would be awkward to have someone come in and clean while I was there, but it was anything but that. Continue reading →

Helping Our Son Understand Physics

The other day my son brought home his report card for the first grading period of the school year. He scored fairly well in all of his classes except for physics. He has been struggling with this class since the beginning of the school year and is in need of physics tuition to help him bring his grade up. My husband and I have both tried to help him to no avail. I’m not exactly sure what the problem is but we need to do what we can to help him. He is a very smart child and I know he can do this with a little bit of outside help.

His father and I have found a physics tutor right here in Singapore that has a proven track record of helping other students raise their grades. Continue reading →

Cheap date seeds

The shameless fraud google,tata, NTRO, employees have been involved in a major SEX, BRIBERY racket since 2010 ruthlessly exploiting harmless female indian domain investors to supply goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi to top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees and getting bribes from other frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee veena, nayanshree hathwar, naina, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika king, deepika.
As a result the domain investor has to do all the work, invest all the money, while all the google,tata sponsored bribe giving frauds will get a monthly government salary at her expense, as part of the google,tata masterminded online financial banking fraud
However much time and effort the google competitor will make, ntro is making it difficult to make any money online and offline
So any one interested in helping a broke domain investor can do so placing an order for chikoo and other seeds
Cost of 1 seed = Rs 0.5
Min quantity : 20
Please revert if interested

Rats and mice continue to eat all seeds and seedlings in panaji

Earlier when seeds were sown in the soil, at least some of the seeds were germinating, and seedlings were growing. However, it now appears that the rats are eating all the seeds and seedlings in January 2018 in panaji, goa, so that it is very difficult for the seedlings to grow.
More than 15 lady finger seeds were sown, almost no seed has germinated.
While rats and mice are quick to eat beans seeds, they were earlier avoiding eating lady finger seedlings. However in 2018, the mice have become so greedy that all the seeds are being eaten by the mice

Looking for a supplier of cotton seeds

Amateur gardening is looking for a supplier of cotton seeds for a home garden
The seeds should germinate even when the soil is not very fertile
Buyer has a limited budget, so is looking for inexpensive cotton seeds
Please indicate prices , and how the seeds can be ordered
Suppliers from panaji area preferred.

Cheap chikoo seeds from harmless domain investor exploited by ntro, google,tata to supply SEX workers, get bribes

The shameless fraud google,tata, NTRO, employees have been involved in a major SEX, BRIBERY racket since 2010 ruthlessly exploiting harmless female indian domain investors to supply goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi to top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees and getting bribes from other frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee veena, nayanshree hathwar, naina, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika king, deepika.
As a result the domain investor has to do all the work, invest all the money, while all the google,tata sponsored bribe giving frauds will get a monthly government salary at her expense, as part of the google,tata masterminded online financial banking fraud
However much time and effort the google competitor will make, ntro is making it difficult to make any money online and offline
So any one interested in helping a broke domain investor can do so placing an order for chikoo and other seeds
Cost of 1 seed = Rs 0.5
Min quantity : 20
Please revert if interested

Availability and cost of chikoo seeds for consumers

The price and availability of chikoo seeds depends to a large extent on the place where the person is living. In Goa the price of chikoo fruit is usually Rs 80 per kg, so for Rs 50 a person will get approximately 5-8 chikoos
There are other chikoo sellers, the smaller sellers who sell 8 chikoos for Rs 50
Cost per chikoo Rs 6.25 minium
The number of seeds per chikoo will vary from 1 to 5 depending on the type of fruit
Each chikoo seed is weighing 0.6 to .9 grams, based on data collected
So in Goa,the cost of getting a chikoo seed is Rs 1 or more

In Mumbai, the cost of chikoos is Rs 10 for 8 chikoos cheapest, cost per chikoo is Rs 1.25
So the cost of a chikoo seed in Mumbai will be much lower

Indian star gooseberry seeds for sale online

It is always interesting to check the prices of seeds online, especially in India
The prices at ebay are usually cheaper than Amazon
For example Indian star gooseberry seeds, Phyllanthus acidus seeds or raj amla seeds are listed for sale at ebay
These seeds are priced at Rs 120 for 40 seeds
12 buyers have purchased these seeds
The seller is from Mundakayam Kerala

The shameless fraud google,tata, NTRO, employees have been involved in a major SEX, BRIBERY racket since 2010 ruthlessly exploiting harmless female indian domain investors to supply goan sex worker R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi to top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees and getting bribes from other frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, nayanshree hathwar, naina, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika king, deepika. goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc is not doing any work online though her sugar daddies puneet, j srinivasan and PIMPs in google, tata are making fake claims

Comparing prices of chikoo seeds in bulk online

The prices of chikoo or sapota seeds in bulk vary greatly online depending on the website which is checked.

In January 2018, the prices of the seeds are as follows:
Chajed Gardens 1 kg seed : Rs 2160
Nursery Live 0.5 kg seeds : Rs 3641 , not in stock
Plantsguru 1 kg : Rs 6100

So clearly there is a lot of variation in the prices of chikoo seeds online

Blue butterfly, pea seeds from Kodaikanal

One of the lower priced sellers of blue butterfly pea seeds on is evergreen_seeds from Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
The seller has priced the seeds at 10 seeds for Rs 69
He is offering free shipping within the same town, as he is aware that there will be few buyers
The shipping charges outside Kodaikanal are Rs 49
The seller has got no orders till date

No R&AW/cbi employee is associated with the website